20 minutes or more to myself and I will be found in a hot bath ..Candles going,battery operated lovely candles,I am done with cleaning black soot,and leaky wax..A generous scope of relaxing salts,I buy huge jugs of epson salts at costco..I lay out my fuzzy bath matt,cozy towels I love that are mine alone,plush cloths for scrubbing, Body Shop satsuma flavored bubbles and bodywash.. AHHH!
I try to plan my soaking time,I ready the bathroom,spritz,wipe and spray out the tub,lay out my towels and bath goodies. This way after I have helped Little Man go down for his nap or bedtime,which is pretty much the only times I have to myself,I walk into my spa worthy bath,set to go! Turn on the water,hot mmmm hot,slide in and I am in my own world..
This soaking time eases my muscle,including the big gray one inside my head that seems to have such am impact on the rest of the muscles and how they are doing that day! Mama's need to take care of themselves so they can care for those who need them,a bath is a small thing or a huge thing depending on the day,but it is all for me!
Care to share your bathtime rituals? Comment below!
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